Why Tye?
For Singles
How do you know if consulting professional guidance is best for you?
It's simple... Time and depth of knowledge. We trust professionals to help us with aspects of our lives that are arduous, time consuming, and demand an expert hand. When you're ill or injured, you seek the advice of a medical professional. If your car's transmission fails, you leave it to the care of a skilled mechanic. Even the most diligent "DIY'ers" often require the assistance of a professional for various home improvement projects. Why not beckon assistance navigating the most important and often challenging part of life, love? Maybe you can relate to what many of my clients needed help with.
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![]() Digital DisconnectIn today’s digital age, our desire to connect is met with (really replaced by) swipes and clicks in search of attractive faces and alluring profiles. It’s easier to type and text than it is to spark up a conversation with a real live person standing next to us. We’ve decided that we are shopping for the idea of love rather than engaging in its experience. We’ve settled on hiding behind an electronic device that allows us to portray the illusion of perfection in order to gain someone’s interest. | ![]() Lacks ConfidenceEveryone gives a great encore-worthy performance in the shower, but not everyone is prepared to deliver the same performance in front of an audience. You've heard the age-old adage, "If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will". That's a true statement in all aspects of life, love included. You've been introverted your whole life. Your first love, "ruined' you for everyone else. Sound familiar? Fear has you petrified...too afraid to step up to the plate and swing at a pitch...any pitch | ![]() Dating WheelThe ups, the downs. The highs, the lows. All endured just to end another 6 months of your life wondering if you will ever find "the one". You begin to berate yourself with harsh questions like, 'Is it me or is it them?', 'How can I possibly begin to understand him/her?', 'What am I doing wrong?' Suddenly, you pick your self up and find the courage the do it again...and again... |
![]() Starting OverFor whatever the reason your last relationship ended... He/ She left you feeling rejected, betrayed, lost, alone. You're wounded. You feel broken beyond repair. Hopeless. Maybe you're afraid to start over. You've convinced yourself that being alone isn't so bad. In fact, you've grown to prefer it. Perhaps, you've tried to date but no one measures up. Compared to your last relationship, maybe there is no comparison or, just the opposite, the comparison is too similar. |